Monday, December 12, 2011

The benefits of citronella

The benefits of citronella

Citronella ... the better

          Citronella is another name is Kylie Taacrgแdg Ta Ma Ma chi teacher will scraping Citronella Grass is the common name for a species of plant The head of the underground stem is erect, but it came out as Governor. The outer cone is a grass house. But there are color red. About 2 meters tall.

The roots are used for the following properties.

I love how anxious and distracted.

This air pressure to solve the blood does not normally stock. Used as a cure cracked lips. Cure hemorrhoids in the mouth. I firmly resolve expel intestinal gastric ulcer care to drive the menstrual blood of pregnant women, so if you have access to abortion.

Use of oral contraceptives. Sang in the colon cleansing.

Apply insect repellent to prevent mosquito activity. Can be used as a flea treatment for dogs.

           However, the use of citronella. Some cases can use a single herb. Some cases in combination with other drugs.

           Current practice has prepared to use a variety of forms including sprays, lotions, oils, cosmetics, fragrance. This is because there are no harmful side effects are there.

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